Overall Objectives
Overall Objectives

Section: New Results

Human activity capture and classification

Weakly Supervised Action Labeling in Videos Under Ordering Constraints

Participants : Piotr Bojanowski, Remi Lajugie [Inria Sierra] , Francis Bach [Inria Sierra] , Ivan Laptev, Jean Ponce, Cordelia Schmid [Inria Lear] , Josef Sivic.

We are given a set of video clips, each one annotated with an ordered list of actions, such as “walk” then “sit” then “answer phone” extracted from, for example, the associated text script. We seek to temporally localize the individual actions in each clip as well as to learn a discriminative classifier for each action. We formulate the problem as a weakly supervised temporal assignment with ordering constraints. Each video clip is divided into small time intervals and each time interval of each video clip is assigned one action label, while respecting the order in which the action labels appear in the given annotations. We show that the action label assignment can be determined together with learning a classifier for each action in a discriminative manner. We evaluate the proposed model on a new and challenging dataset of 937 video clips with a total of 787720 frames containing sequences of 16 different actions from 69 Hollywood movies. This work has been published at ECCV 2014 [10] .

Predicting Actions from Static Scenes

Participants : Tuan-Hung Vu, Catherine Olsson [MIT] , Ivan Laptev, Aude Oliva [MIT] , Josef Sivic.

Figure 7. Automatic visual action prediction for test images in SUN Action dataset.

Human actions naturally co-occur with scenes. In this work we aim to discover action-scene correlation for a large number of scene categories and to use such correlation for action prediction. Towards this goal, we collect a new SUN Action dataset with manual annotations of typical human actions for 397 scenes. We next discover action-scene associations and demonstrate that scene categories can be well identified from their associated actions. Using discovered associations, we address a new task of predicting human actions for images of static scenes. We evaluate prediction of 23 and 38 action classes for images of indoor and outdoor scenes respectively and show promising results, see Figure 7 . We also propose a new application of geo-localized action prediction and demonstrate ability of our method to automatically answer queries such as “Where is a good place for a picnic?” or “Can I cycle along this path?”. This work has been published in ECCV 2014 [16] .

Efficient feature extraction, encoding and classification for action recognition

Participants : Vadim Kantorov, Ivan Laptev.

Local video features provide state-of-the-art performance for action recognition. While the accuracy of action recognition has been continuously improved over the recent years, the low speed of feature extraction and subsequent recognition prevents current methods from scaling up to real-size problems. We address this issue and first develop highly efficient video features using motion information in video compression. We next explore feature encoding by Fisher vectors and demonstrate accurate action recognition using fast linear classifiers. Our method improves the speed of video feature extraction, feature encoding and action classification by two orders of magnitude at the cost of minor reduction in recognition accuracy. We validate our approach and compare it to the state of the art on four recent action recognition datasets. This work has been published at CVPR 2014 [12] .

On Pairwise Cost for Multi-Object Network Flow Tracking

Participants : Visesh Chari, Simon Lacoste-Julien [Inria Sierra] , Ivan Laptev, Josef Sivic.

Multi-object tracking has been recently approached with the min-cost network flow optimization techniques. Such methods simultaneously resolve multiple object tracks in a video and enable modeling of dependencies among tracks. Min-cost network flow methods also fit well within the “tracking-by-detection” paradigm where object trajectories are obtained by connecting per-frame outputs of an object detector. Object detectors, however, often fail due to occlusions and clutter in the video. To cope with such situations, we propose an approach that regularizes the tracker by adding second order costs to the min-cost network flow framework. While solving such a problem with integer variables is NP-hard, we present a convex relaxation with an efficient rounding heuristic which empirically gives certificates of small suboptimality. Results are shown on real world video sequences and demonstrate that the new constraints help selecting longer and more accurate tracks improving over the baseline tracking-by-detection method. This work has been submitted to CVPR 2015 [21] .